program ch1305 implicit none ! this program picks up the first occurrence ! of a number in a list. ! a sentinel is used, and the array is 1 more ! than the max size of the list. integer, allocatable, dimension (:) :: a integer :: mark integer :: i, howmany open (unit=1,file='data.txt') print *, ' What number are you looking for?' read *, mark print *, ' How many numbers to search?' read *, howmany allocate (a(1:howmany+1)) read (unit=1,fmt=*) (a(i),i=1,howmany) i = 1 a(howmany+1) = mark do while (mark/=a(i)) i = i + 1 end do if (i==(howmany+1)) then print *, ' item not in list' else print *, ' item is at position ', i end if end program ch1305